The article is worth a read if you haven't already seen it, but the highlights from the day are below;
WHAT A PERFECT DAY: DUKE THE DOG'S SPECIAL TREAT Breakfast of hamburger and two strips of bacon that had been carefully prepared the night before.
A light rest curled up on the couch to aid digestion
Allowed upstairs for once. Help master get dressed by obediently fetching running shoes from cupboard when commanded
A few games of chasing favourite red bouncy balls around the garden
Short walk to the town pond. Saunter in and out for a quick dip, shake dry, repeat about a dozen times. Receive a liver treat every time
Amber back to the house for a short nap
A gentle walk in the local state park outside town
After a few miles along gentle trail stop for an hour or so to take in the beautiful view and a few interesting scents.
Gentle walk back home stopping frequently to rest
Dinner of prime sirloin steak neatly chopped up
Curl up on the couch while master watches his favourite Clint Eastwood film
Carried upstairs and gently laid down at the end of the bed
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It got me thinking, how would I give my cat the perfect day?
She'd wake up on the end of my bed, spread out fully so I can't stretch my legs.
She'd be fed her favourite cat biscuits, cat food in jelly (NOT gravy as she doesn't like it) and any left over meat in the fridge.
She'd watch me get ready for the day, being allowed to chase the hairdryer cord.
She'd get a nice bit of fuss then let out into the sunshine to spend the day freely as she chooses.
The lady from 2 doors down would invite her in for cuddles, fuss and treats.
She'd come back into the house when I get home for more food, fuss and praise.
She'd sit on the sofa, the best seat in the house, or on whoever's lap she chooses.
She'd have a little play with a mouse toy she likes.
She'd go and get on our bed and spread out again for the night.

Oh, hang on a minute, that's everyday!!
What would your pet's perfect day be?