Saturday 9 June 2012

Did you know?? Dog facts!

On my dog site browsing I came across these dog facts. Some I knew but some I found really interesting, thought I'd share;

The first guide dogs for the blind and visually impaired were trained in Germany to provide assistance for those blinded in the war. German Shepherds were used for their protective and strong sense of loyalty to their owner.

If you love dogs, but dislike the sound of barking, a possible solution is a Basenji dog. This dog is a breed of dog that does not bark, but instead makes a yodel-like sound.

Eighty percent of dog owners buy their dog a present for holidays and birthdays. More than half of them sign letters and cards from themselves and their pets.

If you’re one of the many dog owners who often get the feeling that your dog can read your mind, that could be exactly what they are doing. A team of doctors and scientists in Russia, conducted telepathic experiments with dogs, of which half the tests were successful. Most of the experiments involved testing the dog's ability to read unspoken commands. The research team concluded that some ESP factor must be at work.

Did you know up to 98% of puppies are born with worms. This may be caused by worms entering the placenta, or from mammary glands during feeding.

Puppies sleep ninety percent of the day for their first few weeks.

A frightened dog will put its tail between his legs because it cuts off the sent glands in its anal region which a very vulnerable part of the anatomy. Since the anal glands carry personal scents that identify the individual dogs, the tail between the legs action is the dog’s equivalent of insecure humans hiding their faces.

Did you know the average dog has 42 permanent teeth in their mouth!

It is a myth that dogs are color blind. Dog fact: dogs can actually see in color but not as vividly as humans. It is similar to our vision at dusk. They do have better low-light vision than humans because of a special light-reflecting layer behind their retinas.

The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world.

Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures.

15 people die in the U.S. every year from dog bites.

In 2002 alone, more people in the U.S. were killed by dogs than by sharks in the past 100 years.

The bible mentions dogs 14 times.

Dalmatian puppies are born completely white.

An estimated 1,000,000 dogs in the U.S. have been named as the primary beneficiaries in their owner’s will.

An American Animal Hospital Association poll found that 33% of dog owners admit to talking to their dogs on the phone and leaving answering machine messages for them while they are away.

A dog’s nose print is as unique as a human’s finger print and can be used to accurately identify them.

Feel free to add anymore if you have them xx

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